Kata Kata Motivasi Penyemangat Hidup Dari Kamu Rangkuman Satniteshare 26 Februari : Anakui

Buat teman-teman yang rajin mengikuti #SatNiteShare pasti ga ketinggalan sama topik yang satu ini. Yap,, tanggal 26 Februari kemarin kita bahas #Motivasi loh di #SatNiteShare-nya @anakuidotcom.
Buat teman-teman yang ketinggalan jangan khawatir, yuk simak #motivasi2 dari teman2 kita seUI buat menyemangati kita dalam menjalani hidup dan meraih mimpi2 kita 😉

dearisadea Dearisa Muhlisiani P

@anakuidotcom #motivasi bermimpilah sebanyak yang kau bisa impikan. karena suatu hari, Tuhan akan mengambil ‘satu’ dari mimpimu itu.

dearisadea Dearisa Muhlisiani P

@anakuidotcom #motivasi gantungkan cita-citamu setinggi langit-langit, karena dengan batas itulah kita bisa meraihnya! #kaEdyKuncoro

dearisadea Dearisa Muhlisiani P

@anakuidotcom #motivasi karena sukses adalah sesuatu yang harus kita jemput, jangan biarkan sukses terlalu lama menunggu kita 🙂

amyunusz AMYunus

@anakuidotcom Selama engkau boleh memasang mimpi juara 1, kenapa engkau masih saja bermimpi juara harapan? #motivasi

MahatmaArya AryaMahatmaÂź

@anakuidotcom Someday dream must end for reality to come #Motivasi

RBP101 Rahmat Bagas Prakoso

@anakuidotcom know yourself, know your enemy, you can pass thousand battles with it. #suntzu #Motivasi

cindyayuni Cindy Ayuni Safitri

@anakuidotcom the more important thing is not “who you are” but “what you have been doing” #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom never give up on what u really want to do,the person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom ”it’s not in the stars to hold our destiny,but in ourselves”-william shakespeare #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom there is no nest time,no time outs,no second chances,sometimes it’s now or never! #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@arifuddinhamid..hahhaa td udah aku usulin buat #satniteshare ngomongin mandeknya gerakan di ui..yg dipilih #motivasi..yasu:p

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom when the world says ”give up” the hope whispers ”try one more time” #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom don’t be afraid of shadows,they just mean there’s a light shining somewhere near #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom ”only in the darkness, u are able to see the stars” -martin luther king- #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom ”if u do not enjoy what u are doing, u will never be good at it” ‘luke parker- #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom ”if some1 is strong enough to bring u down,show them u’re strong enough to get back up” -disney #motivasi

arifin_wibisono arifin wibisono

rintangan trbsar muncul jika kita menoleh saat target sudah dekat @anakuidotcom #Motivasi

bonarmoron Bonar Hutapea

@anakuidotcom There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.-Colin Powell #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom u can’t have a better tomorrow if u’re always thingking about yesterday! #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom ”sometimes u have 2 fall from the mountain to realize what u are climbing for #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom smile even through ur tears,b strong even through ur fears #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom the perfect isn’t the 1 who does everything perfect,it’s the 1 that doesn’t care how perfect they are!! #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom ”if ur ship doesn’t come in,swim out to it” -winter #motivasi

bellaabelle Belladini Fadila

@anakuidotcom I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone’s shadows. If I fail, if I succeed, at least I lived as I believed. #Motivasi

marioindra Indra Mario

@anakuidotcom do your best is doesn’t enough,but the more important is do what is required #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom don’t regret the past,just learn from it! #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

@anakuidotcom the greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say u cannot do!! #motivasi

bonarmoron Bonar Hutapea

@anakuidotcom Target harus tinggi, hati harus rendah. #Motivasi

NiyanNurin Niyan Nurin Ridha P.

@anakuidotcom Jika ingat dengan Tuhan jangan pernah katakan tidak mungkin. impossible is nothing #motivasi

soniabuftheim sonia buftheim

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